Section 2.16
Journeymen shall provide themselves with the following tools:
Tool Box
Stakon Pliers
Wire Strippers
Tape Measure (Up to 25')
Scratch Awl or Center Punch
Plum Bob
Pliers – Diagonal
Combination Square
Screw Drivers (not over 10” blade)
Channel Locks (2 pr)
Pliers – Side Cutters
Continuity Tester,
Voltage Tester (600 volts)
or combination multi-meter tester
1-12” Chain Tongs and/or
1-10” and 1-14” Pipe Wrench
Crescent Wrench-any 2 (6”-8”-10”)
Spin Tights ¼” – ½”
EMT Condut Reamer 1/2" - 1"
Half Round File
Level – small
Tap Wrench, Handle
Needle-Nose Pliers
Allen Wrenches (up to ½”)
Keyhole Saw
Tin Snips (1 pr)
Tool Belt and Pouch
1 National Electric Code (current issue)
Personal keyed lock for use with lock out/tag out equipment
3/8” – ¾” Speed Wrenches
S & C Installer Tool List
Section 3:11. Employee Tools. (a) In this addendum, employees shall provide themselves with and keep in first-class condition a kit of the following tools:
- Punch Tool w/110 & 66 Blades
- Coax Crimp Tool (RG-59, 62 & 6)
- Cat 5 Strippers
- Wire Strippers (Miller type)
- Utility Knife
- Wire Cutters
- T & B Sta-Kon tool
- Lineman Pliers
- Channel Locks (2 pairs)
- Flat-Head Screwdrivers (Assorted sizes)
- Phillips-Head Screwdrivers (Assorted sizes)
- Sheetrock saw (hand type)
- Nutdrivers ( ¼” through 7/16” )
- Hacksaw
- Hammer
- Tool Pouch
- Volt-Ohm Meter
- Tool Box (20” x 8 ½” x 9” minimum with lock)
- Scissors
- Awl
- Flashlight
- Tone Generator
- Probe
- Tape Measure
- Adjustable Wrench
- Needle Nose Pliers
- Torpedo Level 8”
S & C Apprentice Tool List
The requirements for Apprentices to acquire such tools shall be phased in a manner to be determined by a Labor-Management Subcommittee consisting of two (2) members appointed by the IBEW and two (20 members by NECA.
1st year S & C Apprentice Tool List
- Punch Tool w/110 & 66 Blades
- Cat 5 Strippers
- Wire Strippers (Miller type)
- Utility Knife
- Wire Cutters
- Flat-Head Screwdrivers (Assorted sizes)
- Phillips-Head Screwdrivers (Assorted sizes)
- Tool Pouch
- Scissors
- Flashlight
- Torpedo Level 8’’
- Sheetrock Saw (hand type)
- Tape Measure
- T & B Sta-Kon tool
- Lineman Pliers
- Channel Locks (2 pairs)
2nd year S & C Apprentice Tool List
- Awl
- Tool Box (20” x 8 ½” x 9” minimum with lock)
- Nutdrivers ( ¼” through 7/16” )
- Hacksaw
- Hammer
- Adjustable Wrench
- Needle Nose Pliers
3rd year S & C Apprentice Tool List
- Tone Generator
- Prove
- Coax Crimp Tool (RG-59, 62 & 6)
- Volt-Ohm Meter
(b) In this addendum, no workman shall supply tools other than those listed. It is the Employer’s responsibility to replace tools lost due to fire or theft with disputes arising over this section to be resolved between the Employer and the Union Representative.
CE/CW Tool List
Appendix “C” – Hours and Working Conditions
Tool List - Employees shall supply the following tools only, once they reach the threshold of Wage Order 16:
Toolbox (tool bag)
Torpedo Level
Toolbox Lock
10” – 12” Crescent Wrench
Lineman Pliers
Wire Strippers
Diagonal Pliers
2 Screw Drivers (Phillips & Straight)
Tape Measure – 25’
2 Pairs of Channel Locks