As of July 1st 2009, enforcement is in effect {SB1362} and if you currently work for a C10 Electrical contractor, you must be either a certified journeyman, an indentured apprentice, or a registered electrical trainee {ET} enrolled in an approved training program.
*Effective 1/1/2012 (AB 1346) passed. This bill would require individuals desiring to be certified to submit an application for examination and certification that includes an employment history report from the Social Security Administration as proof of employment (On the SSA form 7050 choose the #1 option for Certified/Non-certified Detailed Earnings Information that includes periods of employment or self-employment and the names and addresses of employers).
Social Security Administration may charge a fee for this report. You may obtain Form SSA-7050-F4 with an included fee schedule. Note: Please remember to also attach your $175.00 fee for your Application for Examination and Certification.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On October 7, 1999 Governor Gray Davis signed Assembly Bill 931 into law. It added Section 3099 to the labor code, which mandated the State of California Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) to "establish and validate minimum standards for the competency and training of electricians through a system of testing and certification." Effective January 1, 2007 State law requires all electricians working for a C -10 contractor to be certified.
Remember the purpose of Electrical certification is to:
* "protect the public from unqualified electricians"
* "establish minimum training competence and certification standards"
* "provide safer work environment".
State registered apprentices are exempt from certification but must take and pass the test before completion of the apprenticeship program. for applications for lost cards and change of address for renewals enforcement complaints